Play “Green Hill Zone” and 9 other funny Google Tricks


Google is refreshing us. Are you feeling wonder that how it is possible? Yes, it is possible through its tricks. People are busy with their work in front of laptops and have no time for fun. So for those, it created a few fun generated and useful tricks. They can also play all those tricks in their working time. So let us see all those tricks in this blog.

Green hill zone

Grren Hill zone

Do you ever play a Sonic the Hedgehog game, released in 1991? If not, do not worry; now you can enjoy playing the initial level of the Green hill zone trick. Are you wondering! Yes, it was one of the tricks by our google. It was a fantastic trick which made us joy.

The process to perform the green hill zone trick

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “green hill zone” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Now you will see a blue coloured icon. You will observe a blue colour icon presented on the search page.
  • Continuously press on the blue icon you will hear a sound. After the 25th click, you will see an orange coloured man from the blue icon.

It was a super cool magical trick by Google to make us happy.

9 other funny Google Tricks

1. Do A Barrel Roll

Another fantastic trick by our google after “green hill zone” is “Do a Barrel roll.” It was the initial trick released by our google in the year 2011. also creates abundance fun by turning the page to 360 degrees.

The process to perform the Do A Barrel roll trick:

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then inspect “do a barrel roll” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately the whole page turns 360 degrees.

It was the best magical trick by Google to make us happy.

2. Google Gravity

Google Gravity

Have you ever seen that the whole text on the search pages falls completely down? If not, you must try this trick, i.e., google gravity. You also forget about time and mental stress. You feel surprised by this trick.

The process to perform the Google Gravity trick:

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then inspect the “google gravity” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately the whole text on the search page is completely falling.

It was an amazing magic trick by Google to make us happy.

3. Askew

Are you in a sad mood? Are you looking for a refreshing mood? If yes, you need to try this trick called “Askew“.It will put you in a good mood and make you happy. If you search it, it will turn the whole page slightly to bend for the right side.

The process to perform the Askew trick:

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “Askew” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately the whole page slightly bent to the right side.

It was a superb magical trick by Google to make us happy.

4. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub

From kids to elders, everyone knows the memorable nonsensical phrase by Rick called “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub.” so our lovable google creates some fun with that phrase as “Did you mean: I am in great pain? Please help me.” How funny google asked us. So it would be best and useful if you tried this trick in your bad mood to be out of that mood.

The process to perform Wubba Lubba Dub Dub:

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately our lovable Google asks, “Did you mean: I am in great pain, please help me.”

It was a superb cool magical trick by Google to make us happy.

5. Set a timer

Green Hill Zone

Have you ever tried to use a stopwatch or timer in google during working time? If not, you must try this trick on google. It will help you a lot.

The process to perform Set a time

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “Set a time” in the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately the timer starts.

It was such a helpful and magical trick by Google to make our work easy.

6. Explore Nearby

Explore Nearby

Have you ever searched “Explore nearby” when you visit any new place? Yes, we search to explore more. Thanks to google, it will suggest more beautiful places and save our time by evening giving maps. It is the most used trick in the world for every minute.

The process to see Explore nearby trick

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “Explore nearby” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately it will show some beautiful places as a suggestion.

It was a helpful and most active trick for every minute in the world to make our work easy.

7. Find your IP address

Find your IP address

Google is like an unlimited sky with unlimited information. The most usable trick by us is “Find your IP address.” If we search for it, Google will give a few instructions on android and IOS devices.

The process to see Find your IP address

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “Find your IP address” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately it will give you instructions to find our Ip address.

It was a helpful and most active trick for every minute in the world to make our work easy.

8. Suicide help

Sucide Help

Today 20 to 40% of people will want to suicide because of failure and do not have the right person to speak and express their feelings. So for them, our most lovable google provides a phone number to speak with them and share with them. Thank you, google you have such a kind helping heart for humans. Yes, it is right.

So search as “Suicide help” you will find the phone number to talk and share your problem with them.

The process to get Suicide help

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “Suicide help” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately it will display a phone number to talk with someone.

It was a helpful trick to people who are really in a situation of suicide.

9. Earth view

Green Hill Zone

Do you want to see the view of the earth? Can you see with our naked eyes? Obviously, no. But our google fulfils our dream to see the view of the earth. If you search as” earth view” on Google, you will see it. 

The process to see Earth view

  • Go to google browser.
  • Then enter the “Earth view” on the search page.
  • Press the enter button.
  • Immediately it will display a view of the earth.

It was a dream fulfilment trick to people who wanted to see the view of the earth.


I hope all these tricks will help you when your mood is not good and make you happy, refresh. I tried all the above tricks, which changed my bad mood and created some fun. hope so you will try all those and mention your favourite trick by Google.


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