7 Fun and Cool Google Tricks You Should Know in 2022


Are you tired of using google only for knowing and getting information? Now you need something from google in 2022! Even Google provides something new to its users beyond searching. Are you eager to know what it is? If yes, read this blog for more exciting things Google offers to its users.

Google is an infinite sky, and it is a maximization with the magic lamp. To create some fun and relaxation for people, google provides some tricks from its magic lamp. All the tricks from the mazisation will magically remove people’s sadness, and moody swings and recharge your user with great fun.

Let us see all those tricks from a magic lamp

7 Fun and Cool Google Tricks

1. Do a Barrel Roll:

Do a Barrel Roll is one of the first google tricks from the magic lamp in 2011. Even still, it is the most active than many other google tricks. This trick makes you feel shocked and crazy as it turns the search engine page towards 360 degrees. We actually imagined it with our naked eyes, but google showed it practically.

Want to try these Do a Barrel Roll google tricks, then follow the below process:

  1. Firstly you need to open your Google search page.
  2. Now in the search section, type the trick name.
  3. After entering “Do a Barrel roll,” press on the enter.
  4. Within a minute, the search engine page turns 360 degrees.

2. Google gravity:

Google Gravity

Whenever you’re in pain or sad, you may need something to forget those pain or sadness, i.e., fun. So if you want to get out of your mood swings, try this Google gravity trick. It is a better medicinal trick than other google tricks, and it generates fun by dropping all the letters present on the page.

Want to try these Google gravity google tricks, then follow the below process:

  1. Firstly you need to open your Google search page.
  2. Now in the search section, type the trick name.
  3. After entering “google gravity,” then press on the enter.
  4. All the letters present on the page fall down entirely within a minute.

3. Askew trick:

One of the most enjoyable tricks is the “Askew trick” than other google tricks. You feel shocked as the whole google browser’s search page slightly bends towards the right side direction.

Want to try these Askew trick google tricks, then follow the below process:

  1. Firstly you need to open your Google search page.
  2. Now in the search section, type the trick name.
  3. After entering “Askew,” then press on the enter.
  4. Within a minute google search page slightly bends to the right side.

4. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub:

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub is a well-known phrase, especially for the 19’s generation of people. It is a nonsensical phrase heard in a cartoon by Rick. Now from google magic lamp, it did magic with that silly phrase by asking, “Did you mean: I am in great pain, please help me.” Hahaha. How funnily google asks us. Hahaha, how funny that particular question from our lovable google god.

Want to try these Wubba Lubba Dub Dub google tricks, then follow the below process:

  1. Firstly you need to open your Google search page.
  2. Now in the search section, type the trick name.
  3. After entering “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” press on the enter.
  4. Within a minute, google asks you a funny phrase like, “Did you mean: I am in great pain, please help me.”

5. Green hill zone:

Green Hill Zone

Even this google trick called “Green hill zone” is well known by 19’s kids as it is from Sonic the Hedgehog’s beginning level. Greenery, forest animals, cliffs, etc., grab so much attention for this trick than other google tricks. It was the best magic trick from a magical lamp by google. From kids to elders, everyone loves this trick. You can see the conversion of a blue man to an orange-colored man with a loud sound.

Want to try these Green hill zones google tricks, then follow the below process:

  1. Firstly you need to open your Google search page.
  2. Now in the search section, type the trick name.
  3. After entering as “green hill zone,” on the search section just press on the enter.
  4. Within a minute, google displays it on the right side. Now continuously click on the blue man, and you will hear a loud sound. Exactly at the 25th time, the blue man converts to the orange-colored man.

6. Anagram:

Anagram trick

Have you ever searched for the word “Anagram” on google? If not, try it now. If you feel it was the funniest trick, in return, you will get a reply like “nag a ram.” 

Want to try these Anagram google tricks, then follow the below process:

  1. Firstly you need to open your Google search page.
  2. Now in the search section, type the trick name.
  3. After entering the “Anagram,” then press on the enter.
  4. Within a minute, google displays like “did you mean:  nag a ram.” 

7. Zerg rush:

Zerg rush is a remarkable tribute to a 1998 classic video game, i.e., Starcraft. You will see both yellow and red circles come down to disappear the links, and words even when you click on them on the page. After the complete disappearance of the links and text on the page, both the yellow and red circles form the shape “G G.”

Want to try these Zerg rush google tricks, then follow the below process:

Firstly you need to open your Google search page.

  1. Now in the search section, type the trick name.
  2. After entering the “Zerg rush,” then press on the enter.
  3. You see both yellowish and reddish circles to clean the page within a minute.
  4. Finally, after complete disappearance, they form the shape “G G.” you feel shocked and happy with the fun.

I hope you loved the google magic lamp’s trick. Personally, I tried every trick, especially at my mood swings, and you know it refreshes me with complete joy and makes me forget those extreme mood swings. Now it’s your turn to try them at your mood swings. Also, comment on one of the best and most loved tricks by you.


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